
List of the Programs

1. The Role of a Lay Leader – Training Program

2. Gnana Jyothi Bible Exam.

3. Seminar on Telugu Regional Pastoral Plan (TRPP), (Telugu & English)

4. Training for Basic Christian Communities


  • Evangelization
  • New Evangelization
  • The Star of New Evangelization
  • Faith Formation
  • Directory for Catechesis
  • BCCs / SCCs Synod on Synodality

6. Training Camps in the Light of Vatican II

  • “Gaudium et Spes” – PPT – Training Program
  • “Lumen Gentium” – PPT – Training Program
  • “Misericordiae Vultus”(The Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis) – PPT – Training Program
  • “Amoris Laetitia” ‘The Joy of Love’(The Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis) – PPT – Training Program
  • “Deus Caritas Est”, ‘God is Love’ (The Encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI) – PPT – Training Program
  • “Lumen Fidei”, Light of Faith (The Encyclical of Pope Francis) – PPT – Training Program
  • “Evangelii Gaudium”, The Joy of the Gospel (The Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis) – PPT – Training Program
  • Viswasa Vikasa Sadana “Parishuda Vivahamu – Kutumba Vyavastha” – PPT – Training Program.

7. Training Camps on The New Way of Being the Church – Diocesan Seminar Kit

  • Parish as an Evangelizing Community
  • Good News for your Family
  • Our Parish Associations
  • Animation of Laity: Parish Councils
  • A New Way of Celebrating Liturgy
  • A New Way of Celebrating being Church
  • Catechesis in the Parish
  • The Biblical Apostolate in Parishes
  • Catechesis in the Parish etc.

8. National Pastoral Centre (CCBI) Suvartha Kendra, Pachmarhi (MP) – Pastoral Courses.

I. Mid-life: A time to embrace changes.

This Seminar

  • Enables you to think of the Midlife transformation as a prospect of your growth.
  • Renews your thinking, emotions and life style
  • Inspires you to recall the Past achievements, and the potentials you still have for a glorious future.
  • Helps you to Reinvent, Rebuild and Renovate yourself.
  • Enables you to question about some of the fundamental assumptions you have on life.
  • Allows you to think midlife transformation as a personal opportunity.
  • Helps you to grow up gracefully.

II. Catechetical Seminar.

This Seminar

  • Teachings of the Catholic Church on the Mission of Catechesis.
  • Faith Education
  • Holistic Catholic Education
  • Skills to teach Catechism

III. Seminar for Religious and Laity on BCCs / SCCs.

  • To Promote Self-Reliant Local Church – Through ‘tithes or other forms’ for Church growth and development.
  • Training of grass-root level groups and committees is must in Faith Education
  • Holistic Catholic Education
  • The Community must know the Spirit of Liturgical Celebrations, Liturgical Year and Liturgical Seasons.
  • Importance of Liturgy is explained on Sundays and on feast days.
  • Evaluation Meetings of every Celebrations.
  • The Spirit of BCCs/SCCs must be promoted

IV. Seminars on Bible Awareness.

"Inspiration and Authority of the Bible"

  • The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible - An Introduction
  • Internal Evidences of the Bible's Inspiration
  • Characteristics of the Bible
  • The Influence of the Bible
  • Miracles in the Bible
  • The Uniqueness of the Bible
  • The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

V. Seminar for Youth on ‘Christus vivit’.


  • Young Missionaries
  • Vocation of Young people.
  • You are Important O YOUTH
  • Be Led by the HOLY SPIRIT
  • Build the CHURCH
  • Live in the Hope of Eternity

VI. Seminar for Married Couples on “Amoris Laetitia” – The Joy of Love

“ An invitation to Christian families to value the gifts of marriage and the family "

  • In the Light of the Word
  • The Experiences and Challenges of Families
  • Looking to Jesus: The vocation of the Family
  • Love in Marriage
  • Love made Fruitful
  • Some Pastoral perspective
  • Towards a better Education of Children
  • Accompanying, Discerning and integrating Weakness
  • The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family

VII. Seminar on ‘Missionary Disciples’

“Every one is a Missionary Disciple "

  • Missionary Disciples
  • Conditions of Discipleship?
  • Follow one Master (Jesus) only
  • Make an immediate and permanent decision
  • Overcome obstacles
  • Carry the Cross
  • ABC of New Life
  • Expressing with Newness, Creativity and with New Technology
  • Relationship of Missionary Disciples
  • The 4 Dimensions:-
  • Personal Encounter with Risen Lord
  • Testimony of the Encounter Experience
  • Missionary Formation for all the Baptized
  • Missionary Charity

VIII. Training for ‘Catechism Teachers’

“Growing in the Catholic Faith through study and prayer is a life-long process.”

Catechist Training Resources for Teaching

  • The five-step process of Preparation, Proclamation, Explanation, Application and Celebration provides a method that is intentional about leading students to encounter and commit to Jesus Christ as they experience Him personally.
  • Growing in the Catholic Faith through study and prayer is a life-long process.
  • It is essential, above all, for any adult who teaches the Catholic Faith to receive ongoing formation in order to properly hand on the Faith to the next generation.
  • Ongoing faith formation is necessary as “the quality of any form of pastoral activity is placed at risk if it does not rely on truly competent and trained personnel” (General Directory for Catechesis, n. 234).

IX. Training on Lay Leadership

“The mission of the Lay Leadership Formation Program is to give further formation and training to select individuals who have discerned a call to leadership in the Church. This expression of leadership can take place in a variety of roles and ministries: faith formation, pastoral associate, liturgy, pastoral care, and social justice, to name a few.”

  • Grow in their faith and spirituality
  • Grow as human persons in the Divine Image
  • Engage in deep, systematic study of the Scriptures, Church History, Catholic Doctrine, the Sacraments, and the Catechism
  • Develop confidence and practical skills for active participation in the life of the Church
Participate in a cohort, learning in a supportive community and building valuable relationships with other Catholics who are passionate about their faith.

X. Training of Women Lay Leaders

“We come to a full sense of the dignity of the lay faithful if we consider the prime and fundamental vocation that the Father assigns to each of them in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit: the vocation to holiness, that is, the perfection of charity. Holiness is the greatest testimony of the dignity conferred on a disciple of Christ.” Christifideles Laici 16

  • Grow in their faith and spirituality
  • Common Elements of Leadership
  • Cultural Contexts of Leadership
  • Social Contexts of Leadership
  • Creating great Teams
  • Managing great Teams
  • The Importance of Values